Friday, November 16, 2018


One thing that never fails to amaze me is the budget that some people claim they’re able to transform a single family home into an HMO Furniture  for.
Even just covering the basics like fire safety requirements is an expensive process, and I’ve always taken the approach of doing things right the first time and knowing that we won’t need to worry about maintenance for many years to come.
It’s much easier, after all, to rewire a house when you’re tearing it apart than when you’ve got 5 or 6 tenants already living there that your contractors need to work around.
The other reason I like to do a lot of work up front with HMOs is that tenants in an Furniture Packages are going to put far more stress on a property than a single family.
You have 5 or 6 adults using the bathrooms, kitchens, floor coverings, doors, appliances etc on a very regular basis, and through my time as a letting agent I saw far too many landlords take shortcuts during the renovation stage, only to have extra cost and extra hassle 6 months down the line when the 8 year old kitchen (that they inherited when they bought the property and were too cheap to replace) starts falling apart.
They’d spend a few months putting little things right like loose hinges or broken handles, then it’d get a little worse as the plumbing would block and flood the kitchen or the electrics would start to flicker like Blackpool Illuminations, before finally they had to bite the bullet and replace the whole thing anyway.
The cost and the hassle are one thing that can be forgotten about with time, but from that moment on the tenants would have their landlord marked as someone who didn’t care about them or the property, and things can descend rapidly from there…
Anyway, the whole purpose of this post isn’t to criticise the choices of HMO Landlord Furniture, but to focus on what I feel is a reasonable budget to expect to spend on an HMO conversion.

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